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Analytical Preparedness Full-Scale Exercise (AP-FSE) Toolkit (U.S. EPA)

Analytical Preparedness Full-Scale Exercise (AP-FSE) Toolkit (U.S. EPA)

Created: Thursday, September 27, 2018 - 17:05
Contamination, Emergency Response & Recovery, Federal & State Resources

Released September 2018

The EPA’s Analytical Preparedness Full-Scale Exercise (AP-FSE) Toolkit is intended to help water utilities, laboratories, and states practice their own emergency response plans and standard operating procedures, as well as the Water Laboratory Alliance Response Plan (WLA-RP). The tool also helps participants build relationships with other response partners prior to a water contamination incident. Exercises conducted using the AP-FSE Toolkit involve sample analysis and data reporting. The AP-FSE Toolkit is designed to be consistent with the guidance in the Homeland Security Exercise and Evaluation Program (HSEEP). This step-by-step tool includes contamination scenarios that can be used as-is, or changed to fit a utility’s specific goals and objectives.