The U.S. Department of Homeland Security Office of Infrastructure Protection (IP) has published the latest version of its Partnership Bulletin, which provides a snapshot of upcoming training and exercise opportunities, critical infrastructure events, and key announcements. Some of the events include:
- The annual conference of the International City County Management Association (ICMA), which will be held in Nashville, Tennessee from October 20 to 23, 2019 (the last conferenced, conducted in Baltimore in September 2018, included a session on disaster recovery assessment);
- Russian Activity Against Critical Infrastructure Briefing, which was conducted in July 2018 and for which the recording is now available online;
- Risk Management Process and Facility Security Committee Training, with convenings in Seattle, Washington on December 4 and Portland, Oregon on December 6;
- Corporate Security Symposia, which is intended to inform public and private sector audiences on the most challenging security issues the nation faces today, with convenings in Los Angeles, California on December 6; Biloxi, Mississippi on March 20, 2019; Norfolk, Virginia on April 3, 2019; and Bentonville, Arkansas on August 14, 2019;
- An Active Shooter Preparedness Workshop in Rapid City, South Dakota on November 13;
- DHS Office of Bombing Prevention Training Courses, with both computer-based and in-person training opportunities on a variety of topics from now until late December; and
- The Texas A&M Engineering Extension Service (TEEX) Physical and Cybersecurity for Critical Infrastructure Training Course, with a convening in North Charleston, North Carolina on November 15.