In support of its mission to identify threats to the water and wastewater sector, WaterISAC is asking utilities to respond to its survey asking about incidents and suspicious activities they've experienced in the past quarter, from April 1 to June 30, 2020. The response deadline is Friday, July 31, 2020.
To help utilities prepare their data for submission, WaterISAC has also posted a PDF version of the survey below. Please use this PDF for informational purposes only, providing actual submissions via the online survey.
WaterISAC will aggregate, anonymize*, and share with members the information collected from the survey in its next Quarterly Water Sector Incident Summary report. If you have no incidents to report, please complete the survey anyway. Simply indicate that you experienced no physical or cyber incidents.
The current survey also poses five optional questions regarding COVID-19, which are being asked to help WaterISAC understand the impacts of the pandemic on water and wastewater utilities and inform its future efforts to support the sector.
* Only WaterISAC staff will see your responses. Plus, as a private organization, WaterISAC is not subject to public disclosure laws.