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CISA Guide for Critical Infrastructure to Prepare for and Mitigate Foreign Influence Operations

CISA Guide for Critical Infrastructure to Prepare for and Mitigate Foreign Influence Operations

Created: Tuesday, February 22, 2022 - 13:54
Cybersecurity, Physical Security

The Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency (CISA) has published a new Insights document, Preparing for and Mitigating Foreign Influence Operations Targeting Critical Infrastructure, which provides critical infrastructure owners and operators with guidance on how identify and mitigate the risks of influence operations using mis-, dis-, and malinformation (MDM) narratives from steering public opinion and impacting critical infrastructure and the National Critical Functions they support and depend upon.

CISA relates that in light of developing Russia-Ukraine geopolitical tensions, the risk of foreign influence operations affecting domestic audiences has increased. Its Insights product is intended to ensure that critical infrastructure owners and operators are aware of the risks of influence operations leveraging social media and online platforms to spread MDM narratives. CISA emphasizes that organizations can take steps internally and externally to ensure to swift coordination in information sharing, as well as the ability to communicate accurate and trusted information to bolster resilience. It encourages leaders at every organization to take proactive steps to assess their risks from information manipulation, increase resilience, and mitigate the impact of potential foreign influence operations. Access the report at CISA.