Today, the Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency (CISA) released its first Stakeholder Engagement Strategic Plan, in which it expresses its commitment to collaboratively working with stakeholders to increase the security and resilience of critical infrastructure.
The Plan elaborates on areas of focus for the next three years, from 2023 to 2025, and aligns with CISA’s Strategic Plan, which covers the same period and was released last month. The Stakeholder Engagement Strategic Plan includes three goals that entail CISA collaboratively planning and implementing stakeholder engagements and partnerships, gathering stakeholder feedback and insights, and making it easier for stakeholders to quickly find and access relevant products and services. Each goal is supported by a series of objectives. For example, Objective 3.2 seeks to increase stakeholders’ access to CISA’s programs, products, services, and information through self-service offerings designed to augment engagement with CISA staff. Also associated with Goal 3, Objective 3.3 says CISA will mature information sharing to better position stakeholders for timely responses to heightened threats and incidents through structures that include ISACs. Access the Stakeholder Engagement Strategic Plan at CISA and below.