Transport Canada has published Drone Strategy to 2025,the first document of its kind for the country that provides the government’s initial strategic vision for drones. It emphasizes that while drones are part of the future of transportation it is necessary to gain public trust and social acceptance for the technology to be a success. To earn these, the strategy acknowledges the importance of continuing to mitigate risks, including those posed by drones at critical infrastructure. The government’s efforts will first focus on the aviation sector and will include introducing security regulations and standards to detect and remove drones. The strategy also prioritizes the creation of a drone traffic management system, which will include options to remotely identify drones and ensure the accountability of operators. Another priority is to increase public trust in drones through activities that include expanding partnerships with law enforcement to enforce drone safety rules and working with different levels of government to plan for urban operations. The strategy also notes that cybersecurity is an increasing concern, noting that Transport Canada has been working both nationally and internationally to develop drone cybersecurity practices to counter cyber risks such as drone hacking. Access the strategy at Transport Canada.