Collaborative defense and information sharing is most effective when we all work together; otherwise, it’s just a one-way flow of information, and the providers are left wondering if their efforts are useful to the constituents. In that respect, CISA offers numerous no-cost products and services, including various types of assessments to critical infrastructure entities. Historically, the water and wastewater sector has been one of the largest groups (typically second only to the electricity sector) availing themselves of CISA’s services. While this speaks volumes about our water and wastewater utilities, CISA is looking for more of your input to help guide its efforts.
Specifically, as participants in its assessments and consumers of the Cyber Risk Summary: Water and Wastewater Systems Sector report, you have the opportunity to help shape future products and services for our collective cyber defense. Your feedback and insight are crucial for the improvements and mission success of CISA products, such as the Cyber Risk Summary report that provides sector-specific vulnerability findings based on CISA assessment services.
Therefore, CISA is asking you to participate in a one-hour focus group (targeting mid-July) about the usefulness and actionability of CISA products in reducing vulnerabilities. All participants’ feedback will remain anonymous, and answers will be used for insight into previously unknown customer experiences and opportunities for improvement.
Please consider participating in this focus group and email Leyla Balimtas: [email protected] detailing your interest. Leyla will confirm a date and time and send a focus group invitation once the team identifies the full group of participants. For more details, access the attached CRS Focus Group Slick Sheet below.
CISA and WaterISAC sincerely thank you for your consideration