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Cyber Resilience – NSA Urges Organizations to Implement Zero Trust in New Resource Sheet

Cyber Resilience – NSA Urges Organizations to Implement Zero Trust in New Resource Sheet

Created: Thursday, March 16, 2023 - 15:08
Cybersecurity, General Security and Resilience

The NSA has released a Cybersecurity Information Sheet titled “Advancing Zero Trust Maturity throughout the User Pillar” that provides recommendations for maturing identity, credential and access management (ICAM) capabilities. Noting the increased trend in threat actors targeting users and user accounts, the NSA promotes the use of the Zero Trust framework by organizations looking to achieve a more maturity cybersecurity posture. The document provides an introduction to the Zero Trust framework with a focus on the user pillar, maturity guidelines for each component of that pillar, and additional resources to help organizations implement these recommendations. Read more at NSA.