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DHS’s CSAC Offers Assistance in Case of Hazardous Chemical Releases during Hurricane Season

DHS’s CSAC Offers Assistance in Case of Hazardous Chemical Releases during Hurricane Season

Created: Thursday, June 2, 2022 - 13:48
Contamination, Federal & State Resources, Natural Disasters

With the onset of hurricane season, the Chemical Security Analysis Center (CSAC) at the U.S. Department of Homeland Security (DHS) reminds partners of actionable information about chemical threats and hazards it can offer.

Hurricanes and tropical storms can cause physical damage to chemical facilities, leading to hazardous materials like ammonia or chlorine being released from containment and posing a serious threat to public health, safety, and the environment in the surrounding area. To provide actionable information about these threats and hazards, CSAC’s chemical security experts conduct modeling and analysis looking at the chemical facilities in the projected path of the storm. This allows them to determine the likely health hazards resulting from a potential release. “With this data in hand, we use scenario analysis tools, such as the Chemical Consequence and Threat tool, to determine possible impacts to the public,” explained Dr. David Morton, who leads CSAC’s 24/7 response team. “We receive roughly 70 requests per year, with a significant portion during hurricane season, for critical, time-sensitive information to support emergency response efforts.” To submit a request, CSAC can be reached via a 24/7 technical assistance hotline (410-417-0910). Read more at DHS.