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Disaster Recovery Reform Act Emphasizes Pre-Disaster Mitigation

Disaster Recovery Reform Act Emphasizes Pre-Disaster Mitigation

Created: Thursday, October 11, 2018 - 18:00
Federal & State Resources, Security Preparedness

On October 5, the Disaster Recovery Reform Act of 2018 was signed into law as part of a bill reauthorizing the FAA. The act includes several changes to FEMA’s programs to create an improved focus on pre-disaster mitigation. The act authorizes the National Public Infrastructure Pre-Disaster Mitigation Grant Program. This fund will be capitalized through a six-percent set-aside from the Disaster Relief Fund. The program will fund pre-disaster public infrastructure projects that improve community resilience. The act also allows for higher federal reimbursements of administrative costs to state, local and tribal governments when they carry out public assistance and hazard mitigation initiatives. Other changes include improvements to FEMA’s hiring process to promote the retention of experienced staff in temporary positions at the agency. FEMA.