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EarthEx 18: Opportunity to Participate in Cross-Sector Power Outage Exercise

EarthEx 18: Opportunity to Participate in Cross-Sector Power Outage Exercise

Created: Friday, July 27, 2018 - 11:14
Natural Disasters, General Security and Resilience, Security Preparedness

Water and wastewater utilities have an opportunity to participate in EarthEx 18, the second iteration of an exercise series for participants to evaluate and improve their preparedness, response, and recovery for a widespread, sustained power outage. EarthEx 18 is hosted by the the Electric Infrastructure Security Council and will take place on Wednesday, August 22.

The exercise walks participants through three separate phases in a four-hour period. Participating organizations conduct the exercise internally and self-assess their responses to the scenario. Participants can customize their participation by selecting one of 20 different specialized tracks ("lanes") including both water and local emergency management.

EarthEx 18 offers executives and senior-level operational decision-makers an invaluable opportunity to engage in an exercise without the need for extensive preparations and build resilience to prolonged power outages. Several WaterISAC members participated in EarthEx 17 and found doing so to be useful. Organizations interested in participating in EarthEx 18 are invited to register online or direct questions to [email protected].

Please contact [email protected] with any questions.