The White House has published its National Strategy for Countering Weapons of Mass Destruction Terrorism, which is intended to achieve a set of objectives whose common purpose is to greatly reduce the probability extremist groups and individuals will conduct attacks using weapons of mass destruction (WMDs). Among the eight objectives laid out in the report is the objective to “Enhance, State, Local, Tribal, and Territorial Preparedness against WMD Terrorism,” which explains that the most successful responses to any adverse events, whether they are natural disasters or man-made threats, rely upon the preparedness of stakeholders at the sub-national level. The strategy indicates that the federal government will support these stakeholders with threat awareness and information sharing and training and equipment. The overall goal is to reduce the level death and destruction caused by these events, as well as to mitigate their effects on the public psyche, which the report notes can be disproportionate to physical or medical consequences.