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White House Announces Funding Investments to Reduce Flooding Risks, Protect Water Supplies, and Strengthen Supply Chains

White House Announces Funding Investments to Reduce Flooding Risks, Protect Water Supplies, and Strengthen Supply Chains

Created: Thursday, January 20, 2022 - 14:45
Federal & State Resources, General Security and Resilience

Yesterday the White House published information on new investments in critical infrastructure made possible by the recently passed Bipartisan Infrastructure Law and other appropriations. The investments cover a range of projects, including those intended to reduce flooding risks, protect water supplies, and strengthen supply chains.

To reduce flooding risks, the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers will engage in 15 projects to reduce coastal flood risk and an additional 15 projects to reduce inland flood risk. Some of the communities that will benefit from these programs include coastal Louisiana; Norfolk, Virginia; and Stockton, California. In terms of protecting water supplies, significant investments are being made in the Everglades to help address rising sea levels and other climate change impacts that are endangering this ecosystem and the people, businesses, and habitats it supports. To strengthen supply chains, the White House is focusing on investments to ports and waterways. These are intended to expand capacity at key ports, allow passage of larger vessels, and further enhance the country’s ability to move goods. Read more at the White House.