Late last week, the White House announced a new national cybersecurity strategy intended to improve the defensive postures of federal and private sector networks and systems. The strategy is comprised of four overarching pillars, each of which consists of a series of actions. Pillar I is to “Protect the American People, the Homeland, and the American Way of Life,” which the White House intends to accomplish, in part, with the objective to “Secure Critical Infrastructure.” One of the supporting activites for this obective includes working “with the private sector to manage risks to critical infrastructure at the greatest risk” by “identifying national critical functions.” Another supporting activity is to “incentivize cybersecurity investments,” which will involve the federal government working with “private and public sector entities so they make more informed risk-management decisions.” With the new cybersecurity strategy, the White House also highlights that it will deter foreign adversaries from theatening U.S. interests. Speaking with reports about the new strategy, National Security Advisor John Bolton said the Trump Administration intends “to create the structures of deterrence that will demonstrate to adversaries that the cost of their engaging in operations against us is higher than they want to bear.”