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World’s Nuclear Chief Says Risk of Weapons Proliferation is Rising

World’s Nuclear Chief Says Risk of Weapons Proliferation is Rising

Created: Thursday, April 4, 2019 - 12:54
Physical Security, Security Preparedness

In an interview, International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) Director General Yukiya Amano warns that technological developments and more countries pursuing nuclear weapons are presenting new risks. “You can get the information, you can get the material, the education. It’s available,” he said. Amano also noted that “the current environment” makes it “easier for countries to proliferate.” He commented on the nuclear programs, known or suspected, in three countries: North Korea, Iran, and Saudi Arabia. Despite the seemingly pessimistic outlook, Amano did issue one reassuring note, saying the threat “does not keep me up a night…the IAEA is doing its job.” Read the article at CBS News.