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U.S. EPA – Communication System Design for Water Quality Surveillance and Response Systems

U.S. EPA – Communication System Design for Water Quality Surveillance and Response Systems

Created: Thursday, September 15, 2016 - 14:15
Contamination, Federal & State Resources, Security Preparedness

U.S. EPA has released a new guide - Guidance For Designing Communication Systems - for water utilities considering to develop a water quality surveillance and response systems (SRS) to detect and respond to water quality incidents, including intentional contamination. Data communications for an SRS is the means of transmitting data – such as data from monitoring and automated metering infrastructure components – to the utility control center. Utilities can use this guidance to evaluate alternatives and design and implement an SRS communications system. The guide is one of many SRS resources being produced under the Water Security Division’s Water Quality Surveillance and Response program. U.S. EPA